After School
Our mission is to provide after school care for all grade levels that is nurturing and supportive of the school-day curriculum through creative expression, games, homework help, healthful snacks, and unique club activities. UTCS is in the process of working with various community partners to provide an enriching after school program. Stay up to date with our newsletter and check back here for more information.
In Aftercare, children will play, create, learn, and explore every afternoon. Students expand their horizons through daily clubs, work on their social skills in free play and games, and improve their academics with homework assistance. Afterschool Care is a rhythmic breathing-out to the activities of the school day, with the afternoon consisting of free play on the school yard for lower grades, with an all-grades seasonal sit-down snack, followed by study hall and rotating activity clubs specific to the grade levels, culminating the day with games and crafting.
Families whose children take part in Afterschool Care can be confident that their child will be in a safe, natural environment that will naturally and productively flow from the school day to a restful evening at home.