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How to Enroll

UTCS Interest to enroll

Why Enroll at UTCS?

Under the Canopy School (UTCS) Offers Families:

  • ​A free, public PreK-3rd (to start) education that is nature based, Waldorf inspired and centered in human development. 

  • A proven scholastic model that is infused with academics, nature and art. 

  • A small, safe school that teaches the whole child and affirms each student's unique identity. 

  • A community of teachers, administrators and families that share a well spring of talent and creativity. 

  • A commitment to teaching to the head, hands and heart.    

How to Enroll Starting January 2025

Save the date:  January 11th Enrollment opens! 

  • Visit Tulsa Public Schools Enrollment page and create a profile for your student.​

  • On January 11th select Under the Canopy School as your first choice school preference. 

  • First enrollment window closes February 21st.

  • All that applied will be put in a lottery and sorted by first choice preference and preference for living in the Tulsa Public Schools District. 

  • Acceptance or waitlist emails will be sent no later then March 31st. Confirm your spot by clicking on email link. 

  • 2nd enrollment window opens Mid April and closes Mid May.

  • 2nd enrollment admissions notification by late May.

  • Waitlist will remain open till after the school opens, do not forfeit your spot! 

Fill out the form below with your interest to enroll at Under the Canopy School in the 2025-2026 school year.


note: by signing this petition you are not guaranteed enrollment and will be invited to apply when the school is open for enrollment.

Marble Texture
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